Nikola 6 In Beta

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Nikola 6 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is in first beta.

General Notes

Nikola 5 was an interim release to tide us over until RHEL 6 was available and stable. We will expedite phasing out all 64 bit Nikola 4 hosts as soon as N6 is released. The target for full replacement is 3 months after N6 release.

Once N6 is released we will no longer be installing N4 or N5. We will be actively upgrading N5 hosts to N6 as time and schedule allow.

The major changes from Nikola 4 and 5 are:

Minimum System Requirements

Note: Nikola requires a reliable network connection on an EE-department subnet to function.

$Id: nikola6-info.html,v 1.1 2012/03/14 23:56:47 nomad Exp $